Asus makes a variety of powerful netbooks, and judging from all of the 5 star customer ratings and reviews at Amazon some of the best ones too.
Ultra mobile PCs and powerful netbooks are practical because they are light-weight and manage to offer the computing power you need when you need it, but performance-wise not many are all that amazing.
Some of the most powerful netbooks on the market have managed to take care of this issue by incorporating a better CPU, more RAM and better graphics within the same package, but what to expect from them?
First of all, many of the most powerful netbooks on the market today offer a dual-core Intel Atom CPU clocked at 1.5 GHz with 2GB or RAM and an integrated graphics card.
This is a configuration which will give you a good price-performance ratio and a device that is able to take on some games and maybe more basic CAD software. Some products that are worth mentioning here are the Asus EEE PC 1015PEM and the Samsung NC110, market leaders on the mid-range netbook segment.
Second of all, if you would like your device to be the best netbook available, then buy one with a dedicated video card.
This will not only give you better gaming and HD experience, but also speeds up the whole system by taking care of the video processing without the need to “steal” from CPU and RAM. The Asus 1015PN is such a device – it comes with Nvidia ION graphics and is able to run games and complex apps with ease, but costs about $350. Worth it or not, this is for you to decide.
Another thing which we have to consider when we talk about the most powerful netbooks is the mini-laptop. Somewhere between the standard netbook and a laptop, this 12 or 13 incher generally packs an Intel i3 or i5 CPU with dedicated graphics and a maximum of 4GB of RAM.
In our opinion this is a big boost from the specs of the netbook, but weighing more and with a maximum battery life of about 4 hours, the mini laptop is not your ultimate ultra-mobile PC.
All in all, the most powerful netbook that you can now find on the market manages to offer the computing power more demanding users need while at the same time keeping your backpack or bag as light as possible.
It is true that no netbook can have similar specs to a laptop, but consider what you are getting and what you are losing from this performance-size tradeoff.