Month: June 2010

Liability Insurance Facts

A lot of people who go into business do it without really thinking about what kind of liability insurance coverage they may need. After all, it probably is one of the last things a new business owner really wants to think about anyway, is it not?

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If You Are a Published Author and Not Making Any Money Then You Are Perfect For Making Money Online

If you are one of those who has a knack and a natural talent for writing you may have decided to get your book published by a self publishing company. After investing all of that time and money you most likely have found that the sales of the book (so far) are even less than disappointing. If you have been able to recoup your costs, much less your time invested so far you are luckier than most.

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Scholarships & College Scholarship Search Services

A college scholarship search service really does not have access to any scholarship information that you or your child cannot get on your own if you are willing to put in the time researching and compiling the information you need.…

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