Project Management Degree Program Options

The three types of project management degree programs to consider if you wish to move into lower management are online programs, specialist training programs and general University degrees. In this article, I’ll show you the advantages and disadvantages of each course option.

College programs are often the first choice for many. They provide a broad understanding of project management and often build up additional business skills (e.g. writing internet marketing plans, business proposal creation, etc.). College lectures are often a higher caliber than other learning institutes and can provide you with a broader understanding of the subject. This does however prove to be one of the more expensive options to choose, depending on the university you go to.

If you simply want a specialist project management degree then you could attend one of the various training centers provided by the Project Management Institute. These training courses give you an industry neutral understanding of managing projects that can be applied in any business sector.

The courses are often a lot shorter than attending University and many training centers can even provide part-time versions of the course so you can still hold down a full-time job. The one drawback for many people however will be the lack of available training centers close to where you live.

Finally, the most economical and flexible option is to do an online project management degree. Many renowned universities now stream online versions of their regular degree programs including some of their project management courses. You have the flexibility to study at times of your suiting and can even working webinars around your own full-time workers.

You will however miss out on the amount of collaboration, interaction and learning you will get with other students. The one major thing to be careful about is to always research the University program you intend pursuing first to make sure that it is a bona fide online college.

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