Bad Eating Habits Related to Take Out Foods

It’s a sad fact that the fast pace of our modern lifestyles is leading to a serious deterioration in our eating habits. Our dependence on take out foods, letting restaurants and fast food chains take care of all the food preparation for us, is having a serious effect on our health.

It’s a fact that in countries where people practice healthy eating habits and have less of an obsession with takeout foods, the population is generally slimmer and healthier over all.

Here’s a list of several bad habits that can be traced directly to the prevalence of fast food, TV dinners and take out foods.

To start with, it’s bad to eat while you’re in a hurry, and take out foods are the essence of eating on the run. It might seem inevitable given the busy pace we find ourselves caught in, but you have to pause and ask yourself whether a daily habit of rushing through your meals is doing you any favors in the long run.

When you focus on how quickly you can get eating with rather on the experience of eating, you’re liable to consume a lot of poor-quality food. When you don’t focus on your food and eat the way you would gas up, you’re less aware of taste and nutritional value. Be honest – would you really eat a greasy, mediocre burger and fries if you thought of your lunch as an adventure in taste and a valuable opportunity to nourish your body?

Next, take out foods or order food online delivery often encourage us to consume larger portions than is necessary. When we eat prepackaged meals, we’re conditioned into thinking that one of them constitutes a one meal for one person, when the truth is that they may pack enough calories for three normal meals. What constitutes a single portion should be something that you and not Ronald McDonald should determine.

When you eat at home, you’re likely to get smaller servings for yourself. You can also choose to cook smaller portions to suit your appetite. Listen to your body. It will tell you when you’ve had enough.

Finally, take out foods also encourage emotional eating. We often associate food with comfort, and take out is an instant pick-me-up on a bad day. But in the end, that hot-fudge sundae or three-cheese pizza won’t really solve your problems – it’s more likely to engage you in a vicious cycle of guilt and binging. It’s far better to take a walk, listen to music, or call your best friend instead.

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