Phoenix Security: 3 Home Improvements To Up Home Security

It is common for homeowners to start thinking about new and even unfinished home improvements at the beginning of a new year. And for homeowners who may be looking for ways to enhance their home security, Phoenix security specialists state that there are a few projects that will enhance the appearance of the home and enhance security.

Doors – Doors can become old, unattractive, and less efficient after years of use. Doors are also the primary entry point for burglars, so ensuring that they are strong and durable is important. Phoenix security authorities suggest an investment in high performance exterior doors made of uPVC, fiberglass, or metal.

These types of exterior doors are more expensive than traditional hollow core or solid wood doors, but they also provide much more quality and durable. They also require less long-term maintenance. In addition to this, Phoenix security professionals point out that there are many attractive designs for doors made of these materials. Note that metal and uPVC doors must be installed with new door frames made of specific materials.

Locks – While cylindrical locks are the most common and the easiest to install, there is another option that offers great design and incredible durability. Mortise locks were mostly seen on older homes and commercial properties, but now they are beginning to make a come back and are being used more often on residential homes. Mortise locks are much more expensive and harder to install (they must be installed by an experienced professional) but they have many perks.

Phoenix security professionals state that they are supremely heavy-duty and typically already come with strong deadbolt locks which are great for security.  They come in many decorative and ornate designs that add a touch of style to exterior doors.

There are a number of trims to choose from as well. The trim is the mechanism that you turn to open the turn. This can be anything from a lever to a traditional doorknob.  If a mortise lock is too expensive, then Phoenix security experts still highly suggest upgrading locks with grade 1 deadbolt lock systems.

Gardens –
If you are thinking about adding new plants to your front yard or backyard, then you may want to consider rose bushes. Phoenix security executives point out that when thorny plants like rose bushes are added below windows, it makes it much harder for burglars to try and enter homes through the windows.  Along with this, trends show that well-lit homes tend to be robbed less, so adding garden lighting to a home is actually a simple and effective way to boost security.

When it comes to home security systems Phoenix specialists state that they are one of the best ways to protect a home. However, they also point out that there are a number of other things homeowners can do to enhance their security, including making smart home improvement decisions such as adding dummy cctv camera or cameras to your property .

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