Best Coffee Maker Review – Keurig Single Servers

keurig b70 platinum

The B70 Platinum is one of the tops sellers in the Keurig coffee maker line

During this review you will be brought quickly up to speed with the features of the Keurig B70 platinum and hopefully to the point where you can confidently decide whether this coffee machine will meet our needs or whether you might be better off looking elsewhere for your coffee making needs.

I will be reviewing this coffee maker from own experience with it, and so the review may lean into the subjective at times but I will be trying to keep things as factual as possible.

The first thing you need to know about the B70 platinum is the fact that it is furnished with a full 5 different cup sizes. This means that you can brew not just for the larger cup but for the smaller as well.

If you have a member of the family who likes to take their coffee out the door with them in a travel mug, then the larger 10 and 12 oz. cup size will accommodate them.

There is also a a cup size to accommodate those who prefer to get a cappuccino or ever espresso in before they leave. The smallest 4 oz cup size will do the job.

Also, unlike Senseo and Tassimo there is no limited pod range with Keurig. Keurig actually brought a whole host of manufacturers to help make their line of K-cups.

If you want to see what they have on offer, just head on over to I personally have always been able to find a pod on the website that suits my tastes. While talking about the pods, I would suggest if you brew with the 12 oz. in particular using the extra bold K-cups is probably a good idea.

Thanks very much for looking over this Keurig B70 review.  I would like to think that you received some useful information out of it.

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