Three Reasons I Love This Egg and Muffin Toaster

toaster egg cooker

This toaster egg cooker does EXACTLY what it is supposed to do. It makes great toast, english muffins, and bagels, and perfectly poaches eggs for an egg and muffin sandwich.

I know that breakfast is a super important meal to eat.  It gets my metabolism working and it also makes me more focused and productive.

I know the same thing is true for my kids, but it is hard to get them to eat a quality breakfast.

That is where my new Back to Basics egg and muffin toaster comes in.   In fact, there are three big reasons I love this toaster.

Reason #1: It works.

This toaster egg cooker does EXACTLY what it is supposed to do.  It makes great toast, english muffins, and bagels, and perfectly poaches eggs for an egg and muffin sandwich.

One of my favorite features about this toaster is that when you are making eggs it holds the bread in a warming cycle until the eggs are done.

Reason #2: It helps me streamline my mornings.

Mornings can be hectic, but this toaster makes morning is a whole lot more pleasant.  In fact this unit is so easy to use that my 10 year old daughter is using it to prepare her own breakfasts.  She doesn’t like eggs, so she usually warms up sausage patties in the egg cooker and that works great too.

Reason #3: I stay fuller longer.

It  is no secret that if you eat protein and whole grains at breakfast you will stay fuller longer, and this appliance helps me to do that.  I use Thomas whole grain english muffins, eggs, and bit of mustard on my sandwich.  And because I am getting such good nutrition I am finding that I am staying fuller and focused much longer than if I eat sugar cereal (like Cinnamon Toast Crunch).

Overall I am really pleased with my egg and muffin toaster.  It makes great breakfast that is super duper yummy.  I am eating better and so are my kids!  What is not to like?

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