5 Tips to Find Gorgeous Hair Extensions.

You’ve seen them on celebrities. You’ve seen them on housewives, Real or otherwise. You may have even seen them at the grocery store. But are you seeing gorgeous hair extensions in your mirror?

Hair Extensions image from Flickr

Hair extensions are not for everyone, but they may be right for you and these 5 tips will help you determine whether or not you should get them and where you can find the hair extensions that are right for you.

1) Are you happy with your hair?

Asking yourself this question and answering honestly is the right way to start your hair extension journey. Are you unhappy with the thinness of your hair? Do you wish it were longer? Do you want more volume from your hair?

All these questions can be answered with extensions. With the advancement in hair technology there is no reason to wish for fuller, longer, or more beautiful hair.

2) Google “gorgeous hair extensions”!

And other variations of hair extensions. Knowledge is always power so take some time and do a little research on them. Learn about the different application methods. Check out pictures of extensions. The best types of gorgeous hair extensions are the ones that will not damage your hair with glue or chemicals. The more you know the better.

3) Google “hair extension salons”!

Ride the Google wave of knowledge into the world of hair salons. You may not know this but a hair extension salon is probably not too far from where you live. Check out their website and familiarize yourself with their services and their brand.

4) Book a Consultation!

Call your local hair extension salon and book a consultation. This should be complimentary. If they don’t offer consultations or charge for it, I’d pass. During your consultation, be honest.

The stylist can only advise you on the right type of extension system if they know everything about your hair and what you’re looking for. Whatever you’ve learned from Tip #1 should be shared with the stylist, including how much do they cost?

5) Ask questions!

The stylist will be asking you lots of questions about your hair but don’t forget to ask questions about them as well. Like, how do I wash them?

This could be a mutually beneficial relationship but only if you trust and feel comfortable with them. And definitely ask questions about the extensions. No amount of Internet research can replace picking the brain of a licensed stylist.

Like anything worth your time and money, gorgeous hair extensions are a commitment and an investment. Be sure you’re ready and following these 5 tips will help prepare you for a long and loving relationship with your hair extensions.

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